Lenovo LePad on track for release before the end of year


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Staff member
Aug 6, 2010

Lenovo continues to indicate an Android Tablet release before the end of the year. Lenovo is the fourth best selling personal computer in the world. This has not stopped them from planning an Android Tablet as well.

The LePad is a planned big brother to their Android LePhone. The LePhone is currently limited to the China market. The existing Android LePhone is a clamshell design with a very feature rich package set. No clear date for the LePad was set when demo'd back in July

The indicators from other news sources are the strong brand name in China may limit initial release to Asia. The pictures shown appear to be a 9-10 inch package with the Lenovo brand. The rumors are it will use a multi-point screen and the SnapDragon processor. These specifications would make it similar to the LePhone.

LePad Conceptual Prototype:

I'm really surprised at how the news for this product has really died out. It was really promising.