LG GPad 8.3 Will not Charge AND tells me it won't, but...


Junior Member
Aug 17, 2016
I have several of these. They are perfect for my business, except they suddenly won't charge reliably. It isn't the port or anything like that, they're all doing the exact same thing.

I plug it in, it first says 'slow charging' and recommends plugging in 'the charger that came with the tablet'

Then, 10-30 seconds later, it pops up with the message that it isn't slow charging, it's actually not charging at all, and I can go ef myself.

I've tried every single charger I have. I bought a new one. I have bought several. All LG or similar, none of my tablets will charge, they ALL do this. One is refurbed, the other is not, they should be up to date (I can't tell on one because it's dead now).

I have googled and checked this forum, no one else seems to complain of the same. It's very frustrating, this is why I didn't by i-devices, the lack of universal charging.

I've also tried plugging them into computers instead of the wall. NOTHING works. Now and then, the device will get 'fooled' into charging. Oh, and my car works, but charging tablets on gasoline isn't exactly my idea of a solution. But I can't keep going like this. Thanks in advance.

A screenshot of the message assuring me my tablet won't charge at all is attached.


  • wontcharge.png
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Have to ask the obvious question here. When you got these tablets, did they come with the original chargers?
Have to ask the obvious question here. When you got these tablets, did they come with the original chargers?

Indeed! And I have them and they don't damn work either.

The fact that it's all at the same time makes me think it was an update and something LG did, and then maybe there's a backdate/fix.
Oh, and Verizon can't seem to sell me any either. The ones I've ordered from the internet don't work, and it's hit or miss if those are really OG or not.

This didn't used to happen. I used to be able to just plug in whatever.