

Dec 12, 2011
I understand that alot of vendors dont pay licensing and as a byproduct create problems for the endline user in terms of support, android market use, etc. Why can they not create an end line user license wherby you complete a registration of the device and agree that you understand your device may not completely function as intended due to manufacturers decisions on licensing and testing but still allow a DL of the market and logging into google for DL?

I feel that this could be a great benefit to both Google and Developers when users who otherwise cannot or would not go to the market DL apps and potentially generate additional fundingt to developers who otherwise will not be seen due to their distro only being in the market.

seems like a simple solution to me, in reality the divices my have problems but the only way to work around those problems is through trial and error. there are plent of android savy people who would figure out the work arrounds and give advice.

also why cant the market have a link to a forum relative to each app whereby users developers and those with info can share their experience and advice on how to get an app installed and working on a device. I understand this is where 3rd party forums such as this and others come in. just my two cents on how to advance android for future users.

also when will android developers have information on laptops/desktops running android or a variant?
Hi Daolite32,

Welcome to the board, glad you could join us. I think you've got some good suggestions there, I don't know why they don't let us end users do something like that with US entering into the licensing agreement on our own so that our devices would at least be able to get market access more like how amazon has it set up. The forum idea is nice too, but I think that would be really complex for google to implement.