little help please WiTS A81 7" Tablet


Jan 27, 2011
Hi everyone. Newby here.

I purchased a WiTS A81 7" Tablet a couple of weks ago of ebay. Orignaly wanted something I could take on holiday/ work to go on the internet and watch films. I have since seen theres so much more that can be done. I'm trying to read through threads to learn how to use it but i think I must need some sort of update because the USB wont work and the app market loaded doesnt offer very much.

Are there any walk throughs to update the device or can anyone tell me how to get the USB working. I originaly wanted to attach a portable hard drive with films ect but have since been told this wont work.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give

it is running on android version 2.2. Kernel version 2.6.32 Android MID #290
Build number MID-eng 2.2 JIEVIS eng.MID.20101124.105136 test-keys
Hi Mike,
I too have a Wits A81E since mid-Aug and am definitely enjoying it.

First of all I suggest you check this site
Sticky: My MIDnite (wits a81e/g/capacitive) support page Started by Vincenzo, 01-27-2011 04:39 AM
with many useful suggestions. You will also see the latest 1110 FW there and how to flash it, and also how to get your uSB working. Also check out where lots of useful info for this tablet is found; check out also for more info.

Then ASK specifically what you need, and there are many willing to help. Good luck.