Live Wallpapers?


Senior Member
Mar 1, 2011
It is said that with 2.1 came Live wallpapers, but I couldn't get any of the ones I D\l'd to work.
What I have read about it always says there is a Live Wallpaper option in the menu, but I don't have one.
Think this is one of the functions that was left out of out build? Could this be the kind of thing we can get the code and use the SD wrapper to flash it to the Tab?
I have the clouds and balloons wallpaper running on 2.2 but not smoothly. It sometimes hangs and I need to reboot it. I was using the Maps Latitude one on 2.1 when I had the location aware ability.
how did you get it to run? do you have an LP7 or an EX7?
I can't find any menu options to change to the Live Wallpaper...
I tghink the EX7 can't do it. I had AndWobble on here for a bit and it couldn't set the live wallpaper.
I have the model with the HDMI port. I have the option via a live wallpaper launcher and not natively from the tablet OS. I will have to fire it up and tell you. It was is a software pack called Power 200 or something like that that I downloaded from another member on the boards here. I will dig it up and let you know.