looking for a suitable tablet


Oct 2, 2012
hi everyone, im kinda new at this and dont know how to start....
um.. im just gonna be very blunt about this.

i wanna know and buy a tablet that is:

-runs android 4.0 or newer
-1 gb ram
-sd slot
-usb otg or preferred to have a usb port
-good battery life
-cheap as possible...lol

i would also like to know the price roughly
it doesnt have to be of a reputable brand (even if chinese brand)
please tell me any tablet similar to the specs i wrote - even if slightly different

thanks in advance :)
hi everyone, im kinda new at this and dont know how to start....
um.. im just gonna be very blunt about this.

i wanna know and buy a tablet that is:

-runs android 4.0 or newer
-1 gb ram
-sd slot
-usb otg or preferred to have a usb port
-good battery life
-cheap as possible...lol

i would also like to know the price roughly
it doesnt have to be of a reputable brand (even if chinese brand)
please tell me any tablet similar to the specs i wrote - even if slightly different

thanks in advance :)

Hello :D

Look here
Android Tablet PC - MID Android Tablet PC - Buy Cheap Android Tablet PC Online Shop from China. UK Android

Cheap Affordable Android Tablet PC - buy-android-tablet.co.uk

Hope it helps you
I just got a starter from Big Lots for $89.99USD (30 day return policy).
It's also available on line from several sites for under $100USD.

Model: Polaroid PMD704
OS: ICS 4.0.4
Memory: 2GB, and accepts 32GB micro SD
USB port

No Bluetooth
Can't speak yet of battery life.
There have been some complaints of wifi problems on earlier models, but I haven't encountered any so far on this model.

I'm totally new to Android, so I can't say much more about it.
Hi lydia, welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Discussions section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you find a tablet that meets your requirements. Good luck!