Looking for a tablet appropriate for a college student


Jul 2, 2012
Hello all,

I am looking for a tablet to take to class daily in order to take notes and record lectures (audio). I would not like to spend more than $300 (I am also located in the US) and I need the tablet to be able to record audio, pull up powerpoints, word docs, PDFs, etc., and have the ability to be used with a tablet keyboard. There are so many tablets out there right now that it makes it hard to narrow down which tablet would be suitable for a person like myself. Thanks for all the help in advance!
Everyone will have there own opinion. I like the 10.1" footprint. The models I would suggest is even though it is prior gen processor is the ASUS TF101 or Archos 101 G9. You can find them in closeout if you know where to look for as low as $250. They have been replaced with newer Models ASUS (TF200 & TF300) and the Archos (101 G9 Turbo) Both are offered in ICS versions of Android, They have the capability to do all you ask and more. The reason I like 10.1 for a screen real estate is ease of reading or watching a vid. The ASUS has the added benefit of turning into a Netbook if you later purchase the Dock.
There are Samsung advocates out there, but my biggest gripe is how they do not keep up with Firmware.
If you are wanting a 7" size, I would get the Google Nexus 7. But that is me. Let the others give their ideas as well.
For 7 inch tablets which is better: the new Nexus 7 or the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 ?
There are reasons to consider a netbook as well as a tablet for the applications you describe. For the record I have both (Acer A500 and Acer 722) with each serving a different function. In the under $300 price range you can get good value for either. The advantage for the tablet is the portability and ease of use for specific purposes, such as internet communications, gaming and playing videos.

However, the netbook is superior at creating and editing reports and presentation files, converting videos and anything that requires a lot of mathematical power, such as analysis and modeling. On a cost per GB basis, the HD in a netbook has the advantage.

If you have access to another computer (desktop, laptop or netbook) to provide other functions and support the tablet, I would consider any of the tablets mentioned above. Any brand name with warranty, dual core or higher processor, 1 GB RAM and running ICS 4.0.x should be sufficient. Stay away from tablets with 512MB ram that can't be upgraded above GB 2.3.x.

If this device is going to become your primary means of computing I'd suggest looking at a netbook or laptop instead.
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For 7 inch tablets which is better: the new Nexus 7 or the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 ?
hi, have you considered a chinese tablet? (ok i know all tablets are essentially made in china but i mean a chinese brand name?) they are now almost on par with the best of big name brands at a fraction of the price. top of 7" screen list is the aurora by ainol, these are very high spec & value for money against big brand tabs that are only now arriving with ics 4. well worth checking out if bought from a reputable dealer & capable as any of the well known tabs. heres a link to a trusted seller of these tabs who gives support on this forum, i use them myself & have just received a yuandao dual-core n90 ll, which is the envy of my ipad owning friends. they are jealous of what i paid for what is essentially a better tablet than their ipads & they are now asking about where i got it from.
check this site out, you have nothing to lose & quite a lot to gain if you see something that takes your fancy. good luck.

Ainol Novo 7 Aurora
I will be using my tablet as a supplement for my laptop. I have a very nice laptop that functions quite well, but is too heavy to carry to class day-in-day-out. I just want the tablet to be able to type up some notes and record the lectures (as well as waste time on the internet).

I am interested in any and all recommendations for tablets. I looked at some of the Chinese brand tablets but am just wary of the kind of quality I am going to receive with it, as well as the support I will receive in the event that something goes wrong.
I will be using my tablet as a supplement for my laptop. I have a very nice laptop that functions quite well, but is too heavy to carry to class day-in-day-out. I just want the tablet to be able to type up some notes and record the lectures (as well as waste time on the internet).

I am interested in any and all recommendations for tablets. I looked at some of the Chinese brand tablets but am just wary of the kind of quality I am going to receive with it, as well as the support I will receive in the event that something goes wrong.

Hi netiseret, you can do some research for Ainol novo 7 series tablets, personally, i think the Ainol novo 7 Aurora II with dual core & 7 inch IPS screen can perfectly fit your requirements. Good luck! :)
I will be using my tablet as a supplement for my laptop. I have a very nice laptop that functions quite well, but is too heavy to carry to class day-in-day-out. I just want the tablet to be able to type up some notes and record the lectures (as well as waste time on the internet).

I am interested in any and all recommendations for tablets. I looked at some of the Chinese brand tablets but am just wary of the kind of quality I am going to receive with it, as well as the support I will receive in the event that something goes wrong.

Hi netiseret, we are supporting vendor of the forum and would like to recommend Ainol Novo 7 Aurora II to you. The 7 inch dual core android tablet with IPS screen is only $155.99 with free shipping :)