Looking For cheap android tablets as Christmas gifts


Sep 24, 2012
Hi can anybody help me I was looking at buying some android tablets as Christmas gifts so I was going to just buy cheap ones as their for my nieces and nephews. I was looking to buy the 7 inch Mid android tablet 2.3 From eBay but one of the listings says (Infotmic IMAPX210) and sorry if I'm really thick but I don't know what this means? The other listing didn't say that so is this one different in some way? Thank you and sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place.

7" Android 2.3 MID Tablet Touchscreen Infotmic IMAPX210 1GMHZ CPU WIFI 150Mbps | eBay
Hi Tablet12, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. The best place on the forum for "shopping" information and recommendations is the Android Tablet Discussions section. I've moved your thread over there for you so folks can discuss your tablet requirements with you and hopefully make some suggestions. Good luck!
I bought my Mother an Ainol Nova Mars 7. She has had this for about a month. The screen is no where near as nice as my nexus, but at £72 including delivery it seems pretty good. Angry birds works very well on it. BBC IPlayer no problem, which does not run on my nexus.
It runs on ICS has an SD card slot came with 8 gig built in.

She mostly uses it as an internet radio with tune in radio pro which has the ability to record the programs she likes, mostly stories.

It also has Google play, so getting apps is easy.

Hope this helps,

Kind regards

I bought my Mother an Ainol Nova Mars 7. She has had this for about a month. The screen is no where near as nice as my nexus, but at £72 including delivery it seems pretty good. Angry birds works very well on it. BBC IPlayer no problem, which does not run on my nexus.
It runs on ICS has an SD card slot came with 8 gig built in.

She mostly uses it as an internet radio with tune in radio pro which has the ability to record the programs she likes, mostly stories.

It also has Google play, so getting apps is easy.

Hope this helps,

Kind regards


Thank you Tony will have a look at that now
Hi Tablet12, you can also take a look at the Ainol novo 7 Crystal with dual-core processor (the latest Ainol model , better than the Ainol Mars), and android 4.1 OS for only $129.99 shipped in our site.
And there's another good 7 inch dual-core tablet is on a special sale for only $89.90 shipped in our site, the Onda V701 Dual-core.
hope you can find what you want! :)