looking to buy a tablet but need some assistance


May 29, 2011

I am new here and on a quest to find a tablet to replace my half working ipod touch 2g.
I really don't want to buy another ipod touch since the app store is so restricted.

My criteria:
-I am looking to spend a max of 350$
-3-7 inch capacitive screen
-Use for music/video playback and internet
-Needs flash player for in browser flash (grooveshark site) (I don't care if it drains the battery in 3hours doing so)
-I want to play a few games too like angry birds and what not
- may also use it in school when I have to study but want to lay in bed
- listen to pandora

Also I want to have a good eq for music but I am sure music apps will come with this.
Currently there are no eq apps for ipod touch 2g

Right now I live in fairfield iowa but my real home is stratford ontario canada.
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My sister moved from the iPod touch 2g to the Samsung galaxy tab,
But she is going to purchase the Playbook,
Galaxy tabs have gone cheap now, but for more power look into a tegra powered tablet,
It will cover all your needs
Either a 7" nook color or even a 10" viewsonic gtablet would be my recommendations.
I agree with the Viewsonic GTablet but only if you root it. I'm running Cyanogenmod on it. It is around $300 at Office Depot.

Sent from my GTablet using Android Tablet Forum
I saw the gtablet at tigerdirect. does it only come in 10 inch? I'm not a fan of tap n touch it is absolute crap. Hope there is an easy way to get rid of that and do something else. I have been looking at videos o youtube of this tablet and people are saying flash 10.1 just crashes on the g tablet. But with mods can be fixed. But these mods appear to be a pain in the butt to install like vegan tab or cyanogen. Also does anyone know if this tablet will be be getting a legit honeycomb upgrade?

viewsonic gtablet is in the maybe pile. Although it seems a little big. Almost too big to the point if I was going somewhere for a while and wanted a portable device I would be almost better off just bringing my laptop since it is just barely bigger.

I was hoping the smaller samsung tablets would show their face in the us soon like the galaxy wifi 4 and 5 I think they are called. Any news on those?
It's 10" only. I Installed cyanogenmod 7 and there is no going back. It is Android 2.3.4 and flash 10.3 works. Google
Bishop of technology to read his excellent history on rooting the gtablet.
Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
Thanks Spider. I wasn't aware of the 7". What's the price, what os? Hopefully honeycomb, but I doubt it. Is it as easy to root?

Sent from my GTablet using Android Tablet Forum
Just looked at specs and it Is Honeycomb. Don't know about the google market.

Sent from my GTablet using Android Tablet Forum
Where can I find the 7 inch version and what price. I hope less than the 10 inch even though its 300$ but seems a bit bulky to me 7 inch would be perfect as I can study for classes while laying in bed and without roasting myself at the same time. speaking of which, in general how hot do these things get? like if I stash it away in a bag while still powered on will that make it overheat?
It was just announced today, so I guess you'll have to wait a while until it's available.
It was just announced today, so I guess you'll have to wait a while until it's available.

It was FORMALLY announced today but it has been in the public eye for at least a little while since I posted news on it a week ago.
I have both a VS G Tablet and a nook Color. From what you have written, it seems to me that you could get buy with a nook Color and save yourself some serious cash. The nook color is smaller, lighter, and has a better looking screen than the G Tablet. But you don't get a camera nor a microphone with the nook so if you need a webcam or to place voIP calls, then the G Tablet is better. I have not used the webcam in the G Tab because I can't find any software that will allow me to place video calls. Skype has let us down. I can tell you from personal experience that the G Tablet seems very heavy to me, but it has a lot of hardware muscle.

In either case, you will want to replace the stock ROM with a custom ROM in order to have a full Android experience, and the hottest thing going is Cyanogen Mod 7 at present.
I'd look the Blackberry Playbook its small syncs to your mobile phone and i only bought mine for like £349 i got a discount code from a friend.
There normally £399 so £50 off was a bonus.Check it out the site was Devicewire — Welcome and the discount code was faceberryplaybook#0206100 no harm in passing on the code could save you money.
i'm proably going to go with the gtablet since I may find myself wanting to record a class lecture in a tight space where my laptop cannot go. Also I may want to put different firmware on it. I have seen many videos of it being hacked and what not. After looking at these videos I think it seems about the right size for me. Hows the mic quality? also can you record with the mic and do other stuff at the same time.