Looking to hack my tablet


Oct 26, 2011
I have an ODEM (That's what it says on the box) 7" Tablet with these specs:

ARM926 533-800MHZ, 256MB Memory, 4GB NAND FLASH

Green Power Led & Red when it is charging. Does NOT Vibrate. But Does have 2 point touch

Model Number - WonderMedia WM8650

Android Version - 2.2 (I'll assume it is fake)

Kernel Version -

Build Number - generic-eng2.2 Froyo Ver1..5.5-20110920.043830

I'm looking to flash the ROM and not sure which one I should choose. Hopefully it can make this a little faster.

I appreciate any help I can get, Thanks.

Why would you assume that the version of android was fake? It's good that you got your tablet working the way that you want it to. I just hope that you don't have your expectations set too high for it.
Hi, my mom bought this tablet for my son not sure what issues you were having but i cant get it to download any apps. If you dont mind what did you do to yours? i have some experince with rooting and flashing roms so please let me know if what you did worked or can help befor i send it back. Thanks