Love My Little Android Tablet ;-)


Dec 31, 2012
Hi all
Jan here - newbie. Just got an android tablet as a Christmas pressie off my brother and love it all ready ( the tablet as well as the brother). Sussing out safety on it currently so I can use it in public wifi spots so any useful links and advice very much welocme .... you'd then be put on my android xmas card list for next year :D xx All the best to fellow android tablet lovers out there, for the New Year.
Jan. In the U.K.;)
Welcome Jan! I'm a newbie also. I use Zoner antivirus. It's free at google store and it already kept some lurkers from getting into my tablet at the local Starbucks. I've tried several that were good but they were only trial ones. Why pay for something you can get for free! My tablet is my only online source right now and it truly is fun and very functioal. Have fun and hope to see you around this site!:cool:
Hi Jan, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. Glad to hear you're loving the new tablet, and your brother.:rolleyes: