Main storage reads as SD


Oct 6, 2011
I am a newbee to Android tabs, so please bear with me.

I just got a Haipad M8 ..running 2.3.

In trying to transfer from my PC to the device ..I see that all my Android apps and all on the SD card ..but there is no SD card installed.

I would have thought that all that would be stored on the 8 gig of flash memory that is the equiv. of the hard drive ??

Trying to access the USB ..and yes, I did un-mount the SD card posing as flash memory.

I know I have to re-think all this this is basically linux ..not win7 ... :)

All help appreciated
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OK ..I got that part figured. I installed a micro SD card, and it read as an external SD.

I will get this. Now to figure how to bring things in from the PC via USB. :)