Malata ZPAD T2-3G or Malata ZPAD T8-3G I just ordered T8, I did the right choice?


Jul 6, 2011
Hello Guys,

I've been researching google for past two weeks. to find out which Tablet to get as upgrade to my Ipad-1, My options was:

- ZPAD T2-3G
- ZPAD T8-3G
- IPAD 2-3G

I wanted 3g built in, very strong processing,multi tasking power, resources and very decent build quality + best touch sense possible for the screen, Strong 3D GPU and good battery life...

Very fast the list shorten to t2 or t8 :)

Fro this two i could understand that T8 best in terms of build quality and screen since the Touch chip updated to newer version and screen is now IPS!

I could read that T2 had some touch issues some times...

Then had choice 512MB or 1GB Ram, Considering the soon coming Android 3 upgrade with a lot of 3D in it's gui and applications. Made a choice go for the 1GB Version.

Price: 599USD + 49USD DHL EXPRESS.
+ Docking station for 58USD (Including shipping) for HDMI OUT support.

What do you think? Was the deal good? Was my choice smart?

Also in terms of 3D the cpu is equal model for T2 and T8? Since some sites says T250 3D for T2 some says T20 BUT all says T20 for T8. So bit confusing.

PS: Thanks for HOTMID for the perfect customer service on presale and sale it self!

Please suggest :)