Market 2.2.6 annoying automatic update...


Dec 8, 2010
Anyone else being annoyed these days by the recent Market application update to 2.2.6 , which then no longer works on the S7 2.1 ? I hope this is temporary, I need to uninstall the upgrade whenever I need to access the Market. ISs there any way to disable the automatic updating ?

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Ok wow that's a really bad problem. Since the problem is from Google's part since the Android Market was working fine before the update, I would get in reach with them and report the issue (Android Market Support for Users - Android Market Help). They have a few links to email them but I can't really find an exact email where you can report this problem. If this issue is for all S7 tablets, it needs to be of high priority and fixed asap.

By they way, how does the new update not work? What exactly happens?
Yes, my market stopped working also. Assuming that it is the same problem, it just closes with no message when you try to run it.

Update, I now have market 2002206 which I think is the new one, apparently a silent update. I've posted a question about it on the tech forum mentioned above. Bit of a bummer without the market, might as well have bought an Archos hehe.
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Yes, that 's exactly it, it runs for half a second and then closes...

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Someone said that you can go into settings/applications/market and hit uninstall updates to return to the older version, I'll try that in a bit.

Update: OK, I reverted to the factory version and it works again. I don't know if it will update to the bad version again or what though.
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Oh yes it will, i've been uninstalling the update this exact same way several times so far :)

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Thanks for creating the thread.

Reverting to the old version will work only a couple runs.
thanks for posting that you have validated the fix from Google. sometimes these things get resolved but unless that is communicated you still have people either wondering or working on fixes that are no longer needed.

Excellent, yes, it is fixed. I deleted the update again to force it to re-update. Not sure if it will by itself once you have the bad 2.2.6 version.