Micro SD Card & Market Questions Please

Sep 24, 2011
Hello. Partnet bought a SAWEE pad from China, Android 2.1 and I was wondering whether anyone had any suggestions for the best way to get a SD card working. Tried to format the card but the devise stated that the card was write protected? Also, have tried to download from the market and the devise keeps stating that there is no Android phone associated with the devise? My internet is working, so I thought that I could just download straight from the market? any help would be greatfully accepted. thanks in advance.
I am running 2.2 and also have problems with the sd card. I installed a 32gb card and the tablet finds it OK and shows its size. I cannot download to the card. Is there some way to figure out if the card is locked and how to unlock it?

Hello bmochel . I'd previously taken the card out without hitting 'safely remove sd card', so placed it in another pc within the SD adapter, and then 'safely removed' it, and then placed it back in the tablet and it worked. You might also try, going into the settings, (menu) and see if you can format the disk from there? (this is where I found out that my cards were 'write' protected), so may have to purchase other card - I was lucky that I was with others that had a laptop, so tried to load one of their sd cards, and the tablet recognised it, but again came across problems with playing from the card. You could also try going to your movie player or music player and forcing the tablet to play from the sd card, then try to either move items within the card or deleting an item, this may get your tablet to give you the option to 'unlock' the card? -- Good luck.
Thanks for your comments. I have safely removed the chip and reinstalled it. I can't figure out how to reformat the SD. Do I do that from a PC or can it be done from the tablet?
