MID stands for My Indescribable Device


Nov 7, 2010
From what I've gathered:

Haipad M701
Style Flying TCC8902 MID
Build #: MID 1.1
Kernal Version: 2.6.29 root@local #120
Firmware Version: 2.1-update1
Model #: MID
Successfully rooted

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Can you please send me a picture? I recently purchased one of these MID Tablet PC (it actually says that on the box) on CL. I wanted to use it as an ereader for Epub formats. So far it has been a nightmare getting things to work correctly.

Mine is running Android 1.6 but I would like to get 2.1 on mine. Where did you get yours? What does the box look like?
Sorry for the late. I forgot the site name.

My tablet is black with platinum/silver back. The box it came in says "Android 2.1"
"WiFi-3G-HDMI-1080p-3D Game

Sent from my MID using Android Tablet Forum App
Thank you squat. I determined the make and used this guide to root and am now using the ADB. Quick questions. 1) On my M701-R I noticed there was a widget for controlling wireless features for power management, however, when I attempt to activate bluetooth it never turns on. Is this the default action of the firmware? Or has someone tampered with some files? 2) There's always a 2-3 second delay on the touch screen. Is there a way to increase response or will I have take it as is?

*My brother bought it from a guy in a parking lot out of curiousity.*
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lag could be lots of things, try a new firmware those are pretty popular so there should be one. no idea about the bluetooth on my wits its in the settings so i would look there. all in all (depending on price) not a bad buy for an impulse.
Well I'm new to flashing roms so I guess I'll go troll around for a guide somewhere, unless you know a good one.
I got one from this company Creative Tablet PC but it is also a MID the box was orange and ones you turn it on you will see Firmware 1.6 but under settings shows up as 2.1. So I'm not sure what I got from them. And they do not offert any support for the OS or Apps they only help you if you need a repleacement for hardware issues. I can not get more information and using a sistem information app its shows as Generic under all options. No model just a serial number.
I'm not a tablet pro so all I can tell is to try posting some pictures here or on your thread and hope a member can identify your device and point you in the right direction.
Anyone know where I can get a new charger for my tab or maybe an alternative method?

Sent from my Haipad M701 using Android Tablet Forum App
PLEASE HELP!!! I just purchased a Android 2.1 Tablet C-MID-7" and the USB and Mini USB ports are NOT working. This means the drivers are kaput right? Has anyone else had this problem and is there anything I can do to fix it rather than try to get this company in china to make an exchange? There is no option that I could find for a system update on the tablet. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance from another Nooby :)
The closest problem I've had to this is when my old PC, running XP, couldn't find the correct drivers needed. Once I switched to Win7 the drivers were found for me. Try using a USB charger that connects to an outlet, make sure the output is 5V, if your tab powers on your USB ports are fine and you'll just need to hunt down some drivers.*NOTE: I'm not sure if USB to outlet is completely safe. I do it because my charger is busted* If all else fails, try asking a more experienced member like OffWorld or xaueious.
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