MID tablet android 2.1.2 pattern unlock


Mar 12, 2011
I bought a new MID tablet with android 2.1.2. It worked fine until one day I found it pattern locked. I did not locked it so I do not know how to unlock it. It gives me some trials and then delays for 30 secs...does anyone know how to unlock it or how to bypass the pattern unlock function at startup? Is there a way to reset the tablet even if stored data will be lost? There are only two buttons to use at startup, power and menu; the touch screen will only accept pattern combinations...HELP PLEASE!!!
i bought a new mid tablet with android 2.1.2. It worked fine until one day i found it pattern locked. I did not locked it so i do not know how to unlock it. It gives me some trials and then delays for 30 secs...does anyone know how to unlock it or how to bypass the pattern unlock function at startup? Is there a way to reset the tablet even if stored data will be lost? There are only two buttons to use at startup, power and menu; the touch screen will only accept pattern combinations...help please!!!
so is there somebody outthere can help
ok i rented my tablet same thing happened they told me there is 2 diff ways you can try to do this start a new or create a new i Google acccount and log in that way or reboot it and lose every thing you loaded or put on it. the 2nd is how they had to do iy with mine. they said it was by at start up to hold the none power button or mid button till you see a new screen. let me know how it works for you. if that don't work try sending it to the repare place in book that came with it. or call the number in it.
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