
Dec 16, 2011
I read alot about mid7012 and knew that I can install market on it so I bought it.. now I got it and I do every single step in the procedures from here Coby Tablets and http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...ket-coby-kyros-mid8024-no-rooting-needed.html but nothing works at all..

1st when I try to download GoogleServicesFramework.apk it says not installed...

2nd method when I use adb from computer everything goes well until this step

Type flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img and press enter.
(where /sdcard/ is the location of your sdcard mounted onto the device)

it says flash_image recovery not found
so I tried to
1-I added recovery.img nearly to every directory I have
2-write different paths


nothing work at all

3rd I tried to follow this video Coby Kyros Android Tablet MID7015 Step by Step [HD] - YouTube!
but still doesn't work it stops at that step when I write mv system/bla bla bla .... it says not found or whatever

PS. I already rooted my tablet using superoneclick, and have superuser...
one more thing I tried to download market and it seems to be a system download now and can not be deleted at allllllll,,, I tried to restart to factory defaults, or wipe data from recovery screen but nothing works to remove it..
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Don't use recovery mode, you are using files not meant for 7012 so you may end bricking your tablet. Look for tutorials about how to install Market on 7012 specifically, I am sure that there are some. Probably even rooting isn't needed.
I too am brand new to tablets and on a steep learning curve. Been around desktops and laptops a long time. Frustrated by several "how too" instructions and videos.

This one from this site worked:


It's about half way down the screen in the discussion. Install first five apk files, reboot.
You will need to create a Google gmail login. (I don't ever plan to use mine).
After doing that I had a screen claiming to wait for synchronization.

I waited and waited and waited.

My standard (computer) email got a message saying all was fine, but the 7012 just hung with "synchronize".
Finally gave up, rebooted and continued to second part to instructions. Installed the last two apk files and rebooted.

Son of a Gun, market now works just fine.

Hope this works for you.
I owned a Coby Kyros MID7012 for a little while and was able to install Andriod Market. Because I couldn't find many people who were doing this without rooting the tablet, I wrote a tutorial on how to do what I did. So far, only one person has had a problem.

Not trying to push my own adgenda or anything. If it's not helpful, then it's not helpful. Here's the link if anybody wants to check it out:

Install Android Market on Coby Kyros MID7012 (or most other tablets running Android 2.3.3) | Northwest Tech Experience