MID7024 not waking up


Oct 27, 2011

I purchased a MID7024 earlier this week. This is my first tablet and I'm still trying to feel my way through this new-to-me technology.

So far, I'm pretty impressed with the tablet; I find it to be fairly quick and responsive. I initially had issues with it not booting up properly, but I installed the new firmware from the Coby website and it seems to be better.

I do, however, have a question regarding the unit. The manual states that you can press the power button once to turn off the display, and then press the button again to "wake up" the system. I find that if I try to wake up within 10 minutes or so, it seems to wake up fine. However, after a longer period of time, the system won't wake up and I have to hold the power button for a longer period of time to do a full boot. Is this normal? I'm wondering whether the unit shut itself off after a fixed period of time or if my unit is broken.

Thanks for the help. I'm sure I'll have more questions as I continue to learn how to use the unit.
It's a known bug for every Kyros with a Cortex A8 processor, which is the case for 7024: tablet locks up when in sleep for a long time. If you set WiFi on all the time, it usually helps. You can do it using an utility like WiFi Buddy, free on Market.
Its a known "battery saving feature" or a bug depending on who will answer.

Better upgrade to Gingerbread and it will solve that problem... plus longer battery life.

Sent from my typewriter...

I'll take a look around for the Ginergerbread thread. If I end up doing something wrong, can I use the Coby Firmware update to revert back?

Well, if tablet locks up and a force power off (hold power button for many seconds) or reset is needed in order to turn it on again, I call it bug... lol

Gingerbread helps, but it may void your warranty, if you still have one. WiFi trick works even in Froyo (stock firmware), the bad news is that it will hurt battery autonomy. :(

And yes, you can install official firmware any time you want to go back to stock ROM (you'll hardly want to if you ever use Gingerbread tho ;)), but it will erase any content stored in the internal microSD, so backup to external SD is needed if you want to save anything ("sdcard" is actually an internal microSD partition, while "extsd" is the external card).
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I read through the Gingerbread thread. I'm not sure I'm ready or brave enough to try it just yet. Wifi Buddy seems to help for now. I'm still having to boot 2 or 3 times. My unit may be bad. Unfortunately, the only local chain to carry these has stopped carrying them and can't get a replacement.
Well, I've loaded the Coby Firmware update a couple of times and it still takes multiple attempts before the unit boots. Are all of the MID7024 like this? I'm hesistant to try the Gingerbread update in case it doesn't fix the issue. Guess I'll have to return the tablet and get my money back.

Does anyone have a recommendation for something equally fast and cheap?
Well, I've loaded the Coby Firmware update a couple of times and it still takes multiple attempts before the unit boots. Are all of the MID7024 like this? I'm hesistant to try the Gingerbread update in case it doesn't fix the issue. Guess I'll have to return the tablet and get my money back.

Does anyone have a recommendation for something equally fast and cheap?

My first MID1024 did this, it's not normal. The replacement unit boots normally so far, no crashes or freezes during boot.
I returned my MID7024 and got a refund. I can't seem to find anyone who has them in stock, so I'm not able to get a replacement just yet.