MID7127 Stock ROM Image ZIP


Jan 31, 2012
I rooted and installed CWM then I made a mistake and flashed a ROM before backing up in CWM. My screen is flaking out now and I need to rollback. I would really appreciate it if someone would offer up a stock MID7127 image as a ZIP file or Nandroid backup (from CWM4 or 5). I would be truly grateful!! Thanks so much!!

- EFHicks
Take a look at this thread Log in I uploaded it for another user earlier today. I can't leave it up as it is not my server but you can get it from there. I will have to take it down tonight though. If you don't get it post back and I'l try to find another site I can host it at. it is about 100mb.
It is a pretty close to stock CWM backup.
If you don't register there you can't see links. Here is a direct link.
http://www.sidneyopensource.com/jpisini/coby.zip<see link in post below>
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I also need this system file. I bricked my 7127. Ive searched everywhere on internet but all files were removed and im just so frustrated right now
If you could repost this file or email it to me tr3vc@hotmail.com Id be sooooooo appreciative!