- Jan 11, 2013
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Android 4.0.4 on Softwiner 7" (Cheap Chinese tablet), surprisingly OK .. 
Using MMTracker V1.10.4 and viewing OS maps, works OK ish. The main problem is that MMT doesn't 'see' the external SDcard (MicroSD). The root of the Android system has a directory called sdcard, but I want to store maps externally to /extsd .. which it doesn't see! File Manager sees the internal sd card as /mnt/sdcard and the external sd card as /mnt/extsd.
I can write maps from PC or File Manager to /mnt/extsd/Memory-Map-5/qct, easily enough, but MMTracker doesn't see the maps until copy them into /mnt/sdcard/maps, indeed it simply doesn't appear to see /mnt/extsd at all, let alone the other folders on the external sdcard.
Does anyone know a way round this? The unit only has 2G memory, the sd 16G so it'd be way easier to keep a days worth of maps (4x4 green-laning) on the sd card, but swapping/copying them to internal storage every time would be a bit of a pain ... be much appreciated.
I'm pretty much a noob on Android, so might need my hand holding a little! Thanks ..
Using MMTracker V1.10.4 and viewing OS maps, works OK ish. The main problem is that MMT doesn't 'see' the external SDcard (MicroSD). The root of the Android system has a directory called sdcard, but I want to store maps externally to /extsd .. which it doesn't see! File Manager sees the internal sd card as /mnt/sdcard and the external sd card as /mnt/extsd.
I can write maps from PC or File Manager to /mnt/extsd/Memory-Map-5/qct, easily enough, but MMTracker doesn't see the maps until copy them into /mnt/sdcard/maps, indeed it simply doesn't appear to see /mnt/extsd at all, let alone the other folders on the external sdcard.
Does anyone know a way round this? The unit only has 2G memory, the sd 16G so it'd be way easier to keep a days worth of maps (4x4 green-laning) on the sd card, but swapping/copying them to internal storage every time would be a bit of a pain ... be much appreciated.
I'm pretty much a noob on Android, so might need my hand holding a little! Thanks ..