[MOD][CM] Bottom Status Bar MOD via XDA for CM7


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2011
I just flashed this and I must say it is a very nice alternative [MOD][CM] Bottom status bar - xda-developers

Seems stable and having the status bar on the bottom is really slick. Animations are a little jerky but I would love to see this as an option in later builds.

I guess we'll see...
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Updated the title to state that this mod is actually a CM7 build that moves the status bar... this is NOT a simple flashable modification, it is a complete CM7 build with the notification bar moved. Sam will attempt to keep up with the nightly releases and update this, but it is a seperate build from the nightly.
Updated the title to state that this mod is actually a CM7 build that moves the status bar... this is NOT a simple flashable modification, it is a complete CM7 build with the notification bar moved. Sam will attempt to keep up with the nightly releases and update this, but it is a seperate build from the nightly.
Thanks Faceman, I guess I didn't realize the differentiation.
The bottom is where the status bar should be on a nook. I'm glad to see this.

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I have to say it is really slick. If anyone has any, erm, influence, with the CM crew try and talk them in to making this a permanent option. I'd be giddy as school girl. I had a few issues, BT didn't work for me etc. But other than that it really seems like this is how it's s'posed to be laid out. I flashed back to n30 but already miss the bottom status bar.
This is great, thank you. the only thing I noticed on mine is that the menu button doesn't open the menu.

Maybe it has something to do with my launcher? I am using adw.

Edit: nevermind. just read it is a known bug. again, thanks forb this mod. like it!

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