Mono Audio Issue


Dec 6, 2010
Ok so i just purchased a t301 with the capacitive screen this afternoon from best buy.
The main intention i had for this was just something portable to bring with me on trips, and to keep in my car as a portable audio device. So as soon as i got it unwrapped and on, i upgraded to 2.2, and then installed the android market apk's by following a thread i read over at slatedroid.

The tablet works amazing, smooth, comfortable, and responsive. I've been able to install a ton of apps, get gmail working without issue, etc.


the audio isnt being output properly. With headphones on, i get a mono signal combined into L/R. The same effect you get with a lot of devices when you pull the headphone jack out ever so slightly. Takes the spread stereo signal, combines it, and outputs as a single channel mono signal. So needless to say, Mp3s, video, and even youtube, all sound like crap. Videos you cant hear the dialog, and mp3's (music) are just outputting mostly guitars, and background instruments. Not true stereo clean music like EVERY other tablet i've ever tried.

Also, when playing mp3s/videos without the audio, the sound only comes out of the Left hand speaker of the two bottom speaker. nothing comes out of the right. The only time both speakers work is with system sounds or youtube, and even then its still just crappy mono.

so is this normal for this device (which means i'll be returning it asap), or is this a driver issue somewhere that i'm having problems with?
In Settings I turned the Media volume all the way up on my .mp4 movie, with the rocker side volume all the way, it was loud and in Stereo on the side speakers.

Headphones did not work in it. Is there a video playing app? I just used Astro. Maybe a vide player app would work better in changing volume and mono annd stereo.

Sent from my Droid1 using Android Tablet Forum
Reading another forum (slatedroid) there were these suggestions for video players. Not sure if it will solve the problem, but it might.

Act 1 Video Player
RealMedia Player for Android
I am having this exact same issue. I bought 2 of these off of woot for my kids and believe it or not, both of them are suffering from this mono audio issue. It seems to be only from the headphones. I have tried 4 different pairs of headphones and several different mp3s and movies. It sounds like the dialog is really far away but the music and background stuff is fine. Called VM and their customer service was helpful, but they stated that they hadn't seen this issue before. I feel like it is a software or firmware issue rather than a hardware since I have 2 of these that are doing the same thing out of the box. I am on the latest firmware.