Motorola Xoom 32GB


May 8, 2011
Hi everyone,

I'm curious what people are thinking about this tablet and other in the same price range. We just did a full review over at Progizmo, but it seems that people these days are a lot more interested in the budget tablets and just don't have the extra cash to be spending $700 on these high-end tablets. We are still going to be doing review on both ends of the spectrum, and everywhere in between, but we're also curious as to the direction this tablet market seems to be going. Am I wrong, or is it going to be very hard to Motorola and others to push these tablets without SEVERELY lowering the price point? I mean, it's a very powerful device, but it costs nearly 3x as much as some budget netbooks!

Also, we are looking for the most popular lower-end tablets that you guys are curious about, and maybe are unable to find much information on. We could get out hands on the piece and do another in-depth look at it. Let us know what you need!

Cheers, Progizmo :cool:
I bought 2 tablets in the last month, one for the raw specs and the other for the portability. Neither of these are high-end models with each being less than $300. In my opinion, the high-end models are going to have to significantly come down in price, especially with fairly powerful netbooks selling below $300. As a consumer, there is nothing a Motorola Xoom, Blackberry Playbook, or an Apple iPad can do that either of my lower end tablets cannot do. So I figure that spending more than $300 on a tablet is just wasting money. This is just my opinion.

I think that the tablets need one of two things to happen or else they are going to be a fad like the Palm Pilot. Either

1. A killer app comes along that only a tablet can do or do well.

- or -

2. Tablets begin to sport full-blown serious operating systems such as Linux or MS Windows.

As much as I like playing with my new tablets, I would be hard-pressed to admit that they are really anything but expensive toys at the moment.
The Xoom is nice. But its way too expensive in the tablet market. For 700 I could buy a laptop and have more functionality. 500 dollars gets me a Ipad with a plethora of good apps. I'd like to see a stock 250ish tablet. With Capacitive screen, a good screen and a CPU over 1GHz and 7hrs or more of battery life. (which is why I bought my Nook Color)
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The Xoom is nice. But its way too expensive in the tablet market. For 700 I could buy a laptop and have more functionality. 500 dollars gets me a Ipad with a plethora of good apps. I'd like to see a stock 250ish tablet. With Capacitive screen, a good screen and a CPU over 1GHz and 7hrs or more of battery life. (which is why I bought my Nook Color)

Yes, the Nook Color is great which is why I bought it. It does most of what you want a tablet to do (except video chat) and is very light and portable. Wouldn't it be funny if the tablet market was defined and price points set by a tablet that wasn't meant to be a tablet?:D
How much does the Nook Color run you? Maybe we should be doing our next review on that! We have been getting that same response from most people, $700 is just too much to spend on something like this when it is still in its infant stages. Question for everyone though, would you like to still see reviews on the "top of the line" products? Or, should we focus primarily on the tablets and eReaders in the sub ~$350 range?
i think there is a market for lowend and highend tablets......but it is like everything reach a point where there are diminishing returns. each person has to decide which features at which price point is workable to them. i am thinking about getting a nook color and rooting it and will buy either the asus or new samsung when they are finally in stock. i will compare them to my current tabs and keep the ones i like and give the others away.....i love my xoom but it still has a few bugs to work out. but i think it will be one of the keepers!
the good (and sometimes bad) thing about android is we have options. apple you have choice A or B.

I read a little bit about the Nook Color a few months ago and I really like the fact that it can be rooted and brought to a standard Android Platform. The build looks a lot better and more compact than another comparable tablet we reviewed called the Curtis Klu, but with specs almost identical, its $100 more! Moreover, the Curtis already comes with Android installed so there is no need to mod, making it easier for novice users. So, would you not just be paying $100 more for the looks of the nook at that point?

Cheers!!! Progizmo