Mouse Cursor...Freescale


Feb 24, 2011
I bought the Freescale from nowsupplier around Christmas time. At first it was pretty cool, but then I started to notice the unresponsive touch screen. Eventually it got worse and worst and now it is just a pain to use. I tried using the usb connector and my mouse to access things on the tablet and I would be content using just the mouse, but there is no cursor. Basically the mouse just highlights icons on the screen very sensitively. I really dont want this to be something that I do not use. Does anyone have any tips or any idea what I am talking about? Help would be much appreciated. I can not find anything online about it.
I experienced the same thing when I connected a mouse to my tablet. I will fiddle with that a bit more and let you know the results. (different mice and connectors)
I've tried two different mouses and both worked like the trackball (without mouse cursor)

I've been looking for some kind of fix to make the mouse cursor work and here are my findings:

1. It appears to have a fix inside the android "kernel/firmware", so it seems that if your firmware does not have this patch you will have no mouse cursor doesn't matter what mouse you use

2. The patch was made by a fellow from androidx86. There is a patch available showing his changes on the original files from froyo. One of the files is a .cpp so I suppose that you need to recompile the android kernel for this to work.

3. I don't know if there is any source code available for the tablets' firmwares that we have on market, so I think that we need to take the original firmware from Freescale and patch it with the code from androidx86 (i dont know how hard this could be... )

Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

One thing I would like to know is if the item 3 is correct and if it is easy to do. I am finishing my master degree and after it I would like to use my tablet with mouse, so maybe I will try the item 3

(I managed to break my touch screen :-( ... and a touch screen replacement is expansive and I have no guarantee that it will work, since I think I screwed up the touch screen connector... so the mouse cursor is the only hope to get this tablet usable for me :-( )