Movie file sizes on SD card?


Oct 15, 2011
I have a problem with movie file size. I have some DVD movies I have successfully converted to mp4, and several of them I have loaded onto a 32gb SD card in my Iconia A500. However, since the SD card is formatted in FAT32, it won't accept file sizes smaller than 4gb, and I have some movies that are 6+ gb in size. How can I watch these movies on my tablet?
I think that ver 3.2 of the OS can now read NTFS. If thats the case, you should be able write a six gig file.
I have a problem with movie file size. I have some DVD movies I have successfully converted to mp4, and several of them I have loaded onto a 32gb SD card in my Iconia A500. However, since the SD card is formatted in FAT32, it won't accept file sizes smaller than 4gb, and I have some movies that are 6+ gb in size. How can I watch these movies on my tablet?

I think you can try Foxreal Video Converter trim feature, it can help you get two files size smaller than 4GB.
