Moving an apps user profile data


Dec 26, 2013
I've just rooted my Springboard with ICS 4.0.3 and have been trying to move some apps to the SD card because even though
it's reporting I have 5gb open on internal it won't let me update or install anything if my primary storage is set to internal now.
It has to be set with the SD card as primary.

Anyway I have a couple of OBDII apps, Torque Pro and Dashcommand and it seems now that I changed primary storage to SD
when I open the apps they don't see the profiles I already set up for my car.
It doesn't matter if I change the location of the apps are on the tablet or sd. I tried moving them back and forth using the settings in Android
and tried using Link2SD. Still the same thing.

The only way the profiles come back is if I change Androids primary storage back to internal.

Is there any way I can move these apps complete data storage to the sd card with the app? Or make the apps look for the data back on the internal?
I think it can't find it because with it set as sd for primary the app looks for that data on the SD.

Can someone give an idea what to do other than redo the profiles or reinstalling it?
That's part of the probem. I don't have any photos on it. The ones I found I deleted and I only have 1 game Bejeweled Blitz. I also froze the stock games and apps I won't use.
It has one stock widget that was active when I got it that toggles stuff like GPS, bluetooth, etc. And that still works with the primary set to sd.

The programs still seem to work it's just I lost the profiles I already set up.

There must be some kind of app that will force a particular program look for it's data in a particular place.
So you're saying I either have to deal with no space using the internal as primary or completely redo my profiles.
Wait. I did do a backup with Titanium Pro when it was still set to internal.
Would I be able to backup those programs with it set on external and have that work?
You can change the path of titanium backup to r/w to internal or external. It's under menu/preferences/backup settings. So you should be able to copy/paste the tibu folder from internal to external, then change the path, then restore the app+data.
Well I didn't move Titanium over to the Sd. Only the Android system is set to SD for primary storage.
Titanium and the backup are still sitting on the internal where I installed it. Shouldn't it still see it?
I've got it turned off right now still charging.
Titanium backup creates a folder on the internal so yes it'll see it. I'm saying if you want to save space then move the tibu folder to SD and then change the path of tibu to see your SD so you can restore the torque app settings.
Looks like that won't work. Although I can point Titanium to it's backup it did before when I try to restore it gets done almost instantaneously for 300+- apps.
And on the main backup restore screen it says on each of the apps "No Backup Yet". And I know they're all backed up.