Mp3 players compatible with android


Apr 12, 2012
Hi im about to go on a trip to asia for approx 18months. for this trip i have bought a samsung galaxy tab 10.1. While i am away i want to listen to music on a mp3 player. I havent bought the mp3 player yet as i am unsure which will be compatible with my tablet. by compatible i mean i have all the music i want on my tablet and want to be able to transfer it on to my mp3 player as and when i choose. will any mp3 player work with my tablet?

any help would be appreciated.


dear i did not understand you are looking for a mp3 player for you samsung glaxy.

i have a samsung galaxy tablet. i have an ipod nano. i can not get music from my tablet on to my ipod nano working. is there any brand of mp3 player that will work if i transfer music from my tablet?

sorry i didnt explain to well the first time.
