My difficult process of getting my Itunes music to my SD card. Better ideas?


Dec 30, 2011
I purchased a 32g micro SD card after purchasing my V Tab. I also have a Samsung GSII phone. I used Isyncr to move the music to my phone. I tried to use it for the V Tab and it would only copy to the V Tab internal storage. I then tried to use Double Twist and Easy Phone Tunes and had the same problem. I called Vizio and they told me that it is a problem with the current Vizio software. Most apps will only recognize internal storage.

The solution seems to be that I had to download the music using Isyncr to the sd chip using my phone and then taking the chip out of the phone and putting it in the V Tab. There has to be an easier way. Any ideas?

I originally loaded everything in to Itunes 6 years ago. I do not plan on purchasing any more Apple products so I am my music from Itunes to MP3 and then using Windows Media to play the music. Can you create playlists in Windows Media Player? This would help make it easier in the future for droid devices. I have 28 gigs and over 4,000 songs so converting the songs 1 at a time is not an option. Is there an easy way to do this?

Anyone else come up for solutions to this?
I am not sure if this will be useful but have you looked at winamp? the desktop version is very nice and the android version will sync with it - WMP will create playlist - but so will winamp -

I am still slowly going through my collection and fixing songs/tags/album artwork etc. that itunes messed up - just an idea for ya - good luck!
I would also say winamp as well let's you sync music and play lists wireless as well as plugged in.. And I think it asks you where to put it but have not used it in a while, and it really does not matter where your music first starts out you can always move it to sdcard/external and your music players will find it.
Winamp is what I have been looking for. I am an ex Palm Pre guy so I have been shielded from compatability issues. The reason I bought the Pre was that it spoofed Itunes into thinking that it was a I device. It is nice to not have to worry about that anymore Great progrm!
Its not just vizio. It's tablets in general. For most apps that don't automatically scan external SD cards you have to go into the settings and point the app to the correct folder.

ideos s7 running tri-zet v3
Just a note to save you some difficulty... The VTAB1008 does not like .wma files. My library consists of both .wma and .mp3 files. The .mp3's show beautifully in the stock player and several of the ones from the Android Market. The tag information on the .wma files is scrambled by every one of those programs. The music plays fine but it adds a lot of garbage that makes sorting impossible. All the files show up fine and play on other devices. I've checked the tags using MediaMonkey and they all look fine.
What did you pay for your 32? Gotta 16 for 30, and a pair of 4's for 12. Walmart on-line. Can't really fill the 16!

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
I use google music. It works as long as you can access the Internet.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
What this program does is allow you to synchronize your tablet, phone, or other storage drive and have it viewable as a "Device" in iTunes. This then allows you to drag and drop the files just like you would on a playlist. I have been using this for a while now and it works great since I can still have all my music stored in once central location (iTunes). The only thing that I have noticed with it is there are times that the data transfer rate is low, so just give yourself some time to put your music on.

Notpod - Portable entertainment manager
Why not just upload everrything to Google Music and then dowload the app. The only downside is you have to have internet access to listen.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum