My dream tablet... where to find?


Nov 30, 2010
As I'm packing for my x'mas trip, I find myself carrying a 7" inch epad, 9" ATSC digital TV, 4.3" GPS, and a 3.6" phone. So I thought, wouldn't it be nice if they were all combined into one?

Here's my dream tablet:
- digital TV
- built-in gps
- wireless, browsing, youtube capability
- phone + bluetooth headset (not very important, but nice to have)
- large screen
- battery lasts a long time
- everything works out of the box
- cheap, affordable

Any suggestion where I can find one? Or is it something I should start praying for everynight?
I don't even think the ipad as all of those features but if you look there are android tablets that come close

Sent from my ADR6300 using Android Tablet Forum App
the Hauwei S7 does not have tv, but has the rest of the features you listed.
Hm... "affordable" is an elastic term^^
Maybe the best you could get for your wished would be the Galaxy Tab, but this also doesn't have DVB-T...