My introduction


Jan 16, 2011
Well hello to everyone who reads this.
Uh well I'm new to Android operating devices. And now looking for a tablet for on the go youtube viewing and light web surfing on the couch. Or to be able to pull videos and pictures at a friends house. And figured a Android tablet would be the best solution to that. I mean an apple in my budget is too expensive and not the best bang for my buck, an android phone would completely break my bank and not have a big enough screen.

Like I said I'm really, really new to Android. I have a budget of 150 dollars (not including shipping, accessories, etc,etc) and don't know what to get. I seen a review for the "apad" Rockchip 2808 Dual Core Android Tablet. It seems like what I want, however I don't know were to find the darn thing (or for how much). I'm also looking at a Velocity Micro R101 tablet. It looks decent but (wish I can get a camera in it). Other then thoose two Im open to anything else that I can securly buy (i.e. trusted seller) for 150 dollars.

And thats what lead me to this fourm. Im not here to just ask "what tablet I should buy?" but what tablet is the best value for my budget.

And again Hello and thanks.
hello vlade, If rockchip tablets what you are looking buy, then it's best to keep your $150bucks and wait until latest Rk29xx series coming soon.
Thanks Joeyqqqb. Sorry it took me a while to respond back.
Can you give me a date or a month when those should be out? And possibly were to get them?