My lcd screen cracked need urgent help


Apr 25, 2012
I was enjoying the first day of having a pc tablet, and during I got a call downstairs, went up again and when going back to bed accidentally put one of my fingers on the lcd screen. It instantly cracked. Well, maybe cracked is too much of a harsh word though, there's this one thich line on the right side of the screen.

The thing is, 1/6th of the lcd screen, seperated by the crack, is responsive and works fine, the other, big side of then screen, is completely unresponsive though. There's no noticable difference in how high or low the two, not seperated by the crack, screens are though.

If I could get the big part of my screen working again it would be good enough not withstanding the crack, any suggestions?
if screen cracked you have to replace the screen, if tablet cost less then $100 just buy a new tablet. the cost and time to replace screen to me isn't worth it unless the tablet cost several hundered dollars to replace.
I got it for free in a contest so it holds some sentimental value and I don't really come from a rick background.