My screen is locked and I have tried all things on here besides the debug bridge.


Jul 1, 2013
Ok brief history-
After about a week of using my tablet the main charging port quit working. I put this tablet (password protected) away and started using my other tablet full time.

It finally just gave out on me and so I finagled this one to get it to start working again. But now I can't remember the password. I have a large amount of the tech spechs of the other tablet but they are the exact same tablets.

When I try the password. Every 5 times it just locks me out for 30 sec and then says try again. no options to use my username and password. :( I have a number pad password on it.

It is a a-13 mid but allwinner is not what I bought it as. I bought it as a midi. It is a Chinese tablet, Android 4.0.4. I have tried the volume (up, down, and up+down) with power button. And nothing. I am confused when it comes to the debugging bridge. I never messed with that setting on either tablet. Because I always explore and see what it can and can not do. It is still checked I am fairly certain. I got lost on the instructions (could be lack of sleep).

Please please help me. I will be checking back regularly in the hopes that someone will help me. I haven't given up I will continue to try to figure out the adb.... Tomorrow Right now I need some sleep.

Thank you so much in advance.
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After a good nights sleep and a lot of messing around with things. I just factory reset the darned thing. I feel much better now. I don't have to break it with a hammer any more.;)