My tablet requirements


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2010
Range : $100 - $320

10 inch tablet

* Supports 3D games and Gravity Sensor
* Should have a camera (front)
* Android 2.1 or 2.1+
Your inclusion of a GPS will automatically get it to have Market. This and a camera are some of the core requirements for being "market ready" by Google.

If you are in no real hurry, (Can wait 30-60 days), I would suggest you wait for the Tabs which will be bundled with Gingerbread/Honeycomb. These will have the processing power to truly meet your needs. Keep in mind these five points when committing to a purchase.
1. A true multi-core processor is going to be the way to go for a long term ownership. The better single cores (Omap3, Samsung S5xxx) will be OK for the next year, but not a long term unit
2. Android versions are with each version, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4/3.0 are better at handling memory. 256Mb of Operating RAM is OK now, but I would still suggest for multi-task and capability, it will be 512M or even 1024Mb RAM next year
3. Storage is going to continue to increase. 3D Games and better quality HD movies take up space. 2-8Gb storage will not be enough. I think it will be 16-32Gb will be the normal internal storage. This is not counting the removable storage. Some say cloud storage will be a more viable offering. I think that will be late next year before it is viable.
4. The 3D Games and Movies need a better GPU. Make sure what you choose has in its specs a detail for a graphics processor
5. The Final Item is Battery. In my opinion, you will want a device with a removable high-capacity battery or easy to replace high-capacity battery. This will be especially true if you have your battery drain of your Bluetooth, Wireless, (Maybe 3G), GPS in addition to the 10inch display.

What I am describing will not be cheap, it will approach IPad prices. But the elements I describe will put even the new IPad2 to shame if it is as I predict.