My Xoom Interactive Experience


Staff member
Sep 24, 2010
Another weekend (and week with the Xoom) and this time was more of a family affair. First off, for those of you that have not discovered Evernote yet this is one of the critical apps that just makes sense. It is basically a giant notepad, but it is one that integrates fully to your PC, laptop, smartphone and tablet. Accounts are free, and with it you can keep notes that are synchronized and available from your devices or from the Web. Add to that the various add-ons, like the Clipper app which allows you to create notes from just about any other app you are using and it becomes a very powerful tool. Let me give you an example…

This weekend the wife and I were watching the Cooking Channel when we saw some recipes that we really liked. Out came the Xoom, I opened the browser and loaded the website for the network. From there we looked at the page for the show and found the recipes we wanted. Hit the sharing button and boom we have the recipes saved over to Evernote. Next step Sunday morning we went to the Minneapolis Farmer’s Market. I didn’t have the tablet, but opened the version of the App on my Thunderbolt and pulled it up to make sure I had all the ingredients. Then back home and again with the Xoom was able to read the recipe right in the kitchen, easy and quick and we had a fabulous dinner in no time.

Being what most of my friends call an “uber-geek” I am somewhat chagrined to admit that is the first time I have interacted so closely with a TV show and the online experience at the same time other than looking someone up on IMDB when we are talking about what we have seen an actor in before. THIS is what I have been waiting for!
I had no idea Evernote was that versatile, I'll have to give it a try.

BTW, if you keep this up we're going to have to change it to "uber-geek/chef":rolleyes:
I really didn't either think of Evernote that way, but now I have two notebooks, one for work things and another for home. I am finding it the perfect answer for the ToDo lists, web clippings, Android Tablet items i need to follow up on, etc. I also use a LiveScribe pen and the newest version of their software allows for things to automatically post directly to Evernote so I am using it more and more every day.
I'v been using Catch notes which seems similar to Evernote, just curious if anyone has direct experience with both and how they compare. The livescribe integration is very cool, but a while bake I tried Evernote and there were issues accessing my notes when I didn't have network access. Catch stores all notes locally on all my devices, and I reallize the storage requirments are an issue it is important to me to always have access to my data. Maybe I was missing something with Evernote.

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Not really. You need to have either network access to get Evernote, or you need to get the pay version of the app, then you can synch offline notes. I liked Catch notes too, but found it to be a little feature light. For me, the nesting and sub-notebook functions is invaluable.