Nand & SD Card Storage Issues on 7015


May 14, 2011
Great forum, first post. I just got a Coby 7015. Used the Phase3d video to add Google apps. Tried the Watery, but had some issues and restored to the Phase3d version.

Can't Access Nand From Coby - I can connect the device to my PC and see what I assume is my internal\nand memory. Can move files to it. But on my Coby it shows ZERO Total Space & ZERO Available space in Nand Memory. I tried a few file managers trying to find the Nand storage, and I can find the OS files, but can't find the files I copied from my PC to Nand.

Can't Access SD Card from PC - I can see and access the SD Card fine from the Coby, but when I connect by USB my PC can not see the SD Card, only the Nand. I did try debugging on and off, but all I could ever see wast the Nand, never the SD Card.

A bit of a catch 22, because right now the only way to get a file from my PC to the Coby (at least one I can find) is by swapping my SD Card back and forth from the coby to the PC. It's very frustrating.

Any assistance is much appreciated. I did quite a few searches on the forum but failed to find the answer.

Thanks Jack
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OK, this may be a stupid question but once you plug into the PC you are pulling down the notification screen on the Coby and mounting the memory right?
New edit, OK now I see my SD on my PC & nand memory in settings, and I also see the files. Thanks for the help Popeye. You pointed my brain in the right direction ;) But I'm sure I'll have more questions.
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You can mount the external and internal drives at the same time. They will show up as different drives on the PC. When you click on the internal drive (nand) properties does it show up as formatted? Does it show as full? You treat it like any other drive. Just make sure you stick with Fat32 on it.
Also make sure you unmount usb on the PC and the Coby before disconnecting.
Also make sure it is mounted in settings on the Coby.