natpc android 4.0 m0101s sticking on boot up


Dec 27, 2012
hi all. i'm a real newbie when it comes to tablets. I got my daughter a natpc android 4.0 m0101s tablet for christmas. after charging it ii turned it on. The screen first froze at the 'android' screen and then broke up into pink lines. i got in touch with the seller who suggested holding down the power button for 30 seconds until i hear a click from the back.. I did this but didn't hear a click. it tried to find the reset button but without any luck. the manual that comes with it is just a straight translation from a foreign language and not much use. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hi Krommagh. Seems you may have got a dud. Pink lines may indicate a video problem. Since you have just bought it you should return it and get a replacement under warranty.
Happy New Year!
Hi krommagh, congratulations on your new Natpc tablet and welcome to the forum. I agree with Rowdyeh, you probably should exchange it for another if you can. However, I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!