NATPC X210 System Uids Inconsistent, Then Settings Stopped, More


May 12, 2015
I have the 10" NATPC that I bought my daughter in 2013 . It is stuck in a loop of windows first System UIDs inconsistent then after I press i'm feeling lucky (not funny) then exchange services has stopped window put password then window then next window unfortunately settings has stopped and next google gapps has stopped. It only needs one more window that says I am going to frustrate every attempt at fixing that you do to make it totally realistic. Other than chuck in a bin is there anything that can be done as was a good little tablet once.
Have managed recently to get it reset abroad and only thing not working is the wi fi as they could not find a driver. Can any one let me know where to find it. I have seen on the net that it is same as the kingpad flytouch 9 10.1