Need Advice on Maxwest Telecom Wonder Media WM8650


Jan 2, 2013
Hi i'm new to this site I'm from nebraska and my daughter had gotten a maxwest telecom modle# wonder media wm8650 she got for christmas an is already having issues with it. First it wont stay on when it's unplugged and when try to pull up any apps from adroid market wont pull up anything that we have had on ipods or other android devices we have had in past. also does not have google play on it which i was wondering why it didn't but, if anyone could help with the first thing of how i can get it to work without being plugged in i would appricate it....also i have tried a reset and nothing happened at all.
Hi beems, congratulations on your new WM8650 and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you as a member of Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the WonderMedia WM8650 Tablets section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!
Does the charging light come on when plugged in? When you say it won't stay on - does it turn off immediately after unplugging it? It sounds like a battery issue, and if it's this new I would attempt a return to get a replacement. Unfortunately a reset won't help with hardware issues.

As far as the google market, I have a link in my sig that shows how to get it with the stock rom, but I would suggest Uberoid (at the Techknow link in my sig.) as it will improve the performance of the tablet about as much as is possible within it's hardware limitations. These will never be able to compete with the major name brand tablets but they can be made more usable.