Need guidance on how to setup a custom ROM


Aug 10, 2012
hi guys,

bit of a new guy to android, I recently purchased a really good tablet pc from china loaded with Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich, and my venture since I'm into importing is to brand these tablets and market it to in my country.

However, I would like to load a custom ROM on these devices. Can anybody please guide me as to how I should attempt to do this and which would be the best custom ROM to use?

Much appreciated guys.
Hello, Android is an awesome operating system but there are some things you need to learn and especially if you are going to be selling them. Just because a device runs Android it doesnt mean any custom rom can be flashed to it. A rom has to be specifically made for that device and that usually doesnt happen unless the device is popular. So with out knowing what the device is there is no way to tell you if you can even flash a rom to it let alone what rom to flash.