Need help finding a bluetooth compatible cheap tablet


Jan 26, 2012

I am a complete newb to the world of tablets and am in the process of finding a tablet for my dad. He spends all day hunched over his tiny iPhone, and I wanted to get him a bigger device that can be connected to a bluetooth keyboard. I don't want to spend a whole lot of money (so no iPads or those really expensive ones), but I don't want to get him junk either. Sorry for being so vague. He would mainly use it for emails and editing word/pdf files.

I originally wanted to get the Kindle Fire, since you can use 3g without monthly payments (I think?) and it is cheap, but it doesn't have bluetooth.

I would appreciate your suggestions! I was hoping for under $300. Under $200 would be great too (if quality isn't horrible)!!
both of my witstech tablets have bluetooth and cost under $200 ea when purchased new.

/edit even though both of my wits devices have bluetooth, I ues a folio with built in USB OTG interface so I don't have to worry about powering the keyboard. You can find them for under $20. /edit
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This looks great! Thanks for the tip. Not to be picky or anything, but are there any other similar options with bigger screens?