Need Help finding new Tablet

Jan 18, 2011
Hi Guys i have been searching the net for ages trying to find an inexpensive Chinese tablet with the following specs:

- Android 2.2
- 1 Ghtz CPU (or some this that will run fast)
- Wifi N
- Decent Battery Life
- Android Buttons on Side
- Would need to run most common Codecs
- 512 DDR2 Ram (this isn't necessary by would be nice)

i am trying to find some thing for around $200 - $300 if possible, dont really want to get a name brand just yet. If you guys could list some models which suit and some reputable sites to get them from it would be greatly appreciated. :cool:
Yeah I am looking to buy one too, have been looking at many websites can anyone tell me if lightinthebox is a good site to buy a tablet from?
Thank for the site will have a look, I defiantly need Wifi N. Any other suggestions??? And deff need Capacitive screen. Dont mind on size as long as the battery is 5 hours +
Thanks for the warning.

I know there are alot of the big manufacturers releasing tables in Q1 of 2011, do you think i should wait till they come out, alot of them look like much better specs than the chineese models. I dont know if they will still fit in to my price range of $200 - $300...???
criticalmayhem: Honestly... I recommend that you wait a few months. If you purchase a tablet right now, I feel you will be disappointed in the up coming months. There are quite a lot of absolutely great tablets that will be in the $200 - $300 price range. I think its best you wait a few months, and see what is on the open market.

Of course you can purchase now, as there are still a good amount of cheaper tablets for your price range with nice features. It's just the "big boys" are all releasing their tablets within the next 1 - 3 months.