Need help for my android tablet pc


Aug 12, 2011
hi all

I have an android tablet pc with these specifications:

Specification E10
CPU:VIA8650 800MHz up to 1GHz
OS:Android 2.2 (Support Flash 10.1) 256MB DDR2
Kernel: 2.6.32
Buid Number: V1.5.0
Storage Device:4GB

My problem is i have put a 32GB sd card and my tablet started to reboot constantly then i push the reset button and when the device start it's appear a non-stop green android logo flying and turning around itself above a half green circle.
I removed the sd card / done many reset but the device still display a non-stop green android logo flying and turning around itself above a half green circle.

Please help me!
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hi all

I have an android tablet pc with these specifications:

Specification E10
CPU:VIA8650 800MHz up to 1GHz
OS:Android 2.2 (Support Flash 10.1) 256MB DDR2
Kernel: 2.6.32
Buid Number: V1.5.0
Storage Device:4GB

My problem is i have put a 32GB sd card and my tablet started to reboot constantly then i push the reset button and when the device start it's appear a non-stop green android logo flying and turning around itself above a half green circle.
I removed the sd card / done many reset but the device still display a non-stop green android logo flying and turning around itself above a half green circle.

Please help me!

Is there no android specialist in this forum !
What is the brand of tablet? Who makes it?

Sent from my Coby Kryos MID7024 not-rooted with 16gb microSD
it's only wrote MID on the package but i baught it with this name New E10 android 7'' tablet pc
That could be anything. But it sounds like ur tablet dont support a 32gb card and trying to run it screwed up the tablet files. Try a factory reset.

Sent from my Coby Kryos MID7024 not-rooted with 16gb microSD
That could be anything. But it sounds like ur tablet dont support a 32gb card and trying to run it screwed up the tablet files. Try a factory reset.

Sent from my Coby Kryos MID7024 not-rooted with 16gb microSD

i withdraw the 32GB card and i have push the reset button but when the device start after booting it display me the same problem.
Can you explain me step by step how to put a firmware on it .

Go into settings/location and security/clear memory

Sent from my Coby Kryos MID7024 not-rooted with 16gb microSD
Go into settings/location and security/clear memory

Sent from my Coby Kryos MID7024 not-rooted with 16gb microSD

i can't acceed in any setting because when i turn on the device and right after the booting it's just display the green android logo turning around itself.
U will have to do a factory reset and i dont know what exactly is ur device. U will have to figure out how to do that

Sent from my Coby Kryos MID7024 not-rooted with 16gb microSD
When i presented the problem to my supplier i ask me my New E10 tablet pc need to upgrade the android and she give me a software now i am asking how to update step by step the android.
it 's an android OS 2.2 / Kernel: 2.6.32 / Build Number: V1.5.0