need help my google maps etc not working


May 20, 2011
i am connected to the internet. i have not gotten the new os update yet. i went into app, google maps,navigation and no maps show up. google maps locked up and i had to reboot the tablet i am on a network. i have gps enabled any idea whats going on. Now I notice I cannot download any apps from the market. maps says there is not network connection and I have one as I can go out on the www fine. I did load the pdanet and tried to configure that. I think maybe that messed something up with the proxy settings. I am not sure how to check that. I removed the pdanet tablet software thinking that would help but it did not and now I cannot reload it. i hope I dont have to do a factory reset. that would suck. sorry i dont know why this is posting as one big sentence. I put returns in my post.
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Did the reset fix the problems? If it were me, I'd wait till after the update before making any serious changes. Whatever you do could be wiped out by the update.
The reset did fix the problem after doing several resets. hardware and software using the setting menu and then having to do a FULL factory reset... hold the power button and the volume button down. wait for the first vibration of the tablet (while still holding the volume button) cycle the lock switch and wait for the messages saying it is reloading the kernel. I was able to load the sw back using the market now. However i was not able to find the facebook app I was using. Seems strange as I can search for it on my phone and it come sup first thing. If i search on the tablet it never come sup. Isnt the market the same? I did have it on my tablet before now I cannot find it. Dont know why. Also I have to wonder about their search engine. its amazing what come sup when I am searching for an app and I know the name. nothing even close. but if you scroll through the list sometimes you can find it.