Need Help with my new Flytouch2 pls... =(


Jan 5, 2011
Hi all,
I've recently purchased a Flytouch2(Super A Pad).
Is anyone able to help with a couple of issues I seem to be having?
1. Registeration - How do I get the registeration number?
2. WiFi - I seem to be having a problem getting the device to get my WiFi signal..

Would appreciate anyone who is able to help me.
Thank you.
Hi the registeration number should have been in the box if you have not got one i surgest you contact the person who you bought it from and ask them where it is :(

As for the wifi problem it sounds like you have the 1001 firmware and you need to update to the latest one to fix this problem but without the reg number you cannot use the system update program :(
I used Burntool on my new pads. No need to register or anything. Use burntool to update your firmware and all your problems will be fixed :)
I found the system update program never worked. It would download the latest firmware but would not work. So just use burntool. Very simple solution.