Need help with my tablet ASAP. Accidentally Un-rooted it.

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Aug 21, 2012
Hello everyone! xD I got my tablet a month ago for cheap and I knew nothing about rooting whatsoever. I looked into it, did a little bit of research and decided to give it a go. I tried the superoneclick but that did me no help as I knew nothing about how to use it even though I did read instructions for it. Anyway, I found another alternative that let me root my tablet with an .APK file. It seemed way too easy so I downloaded it.

here is what I downloaded: [APP] z4root - xda-developers

After downloading it, I installed the .apk file and it told me that my device was already rooted. I had no idea that devices could be pre-rooted. Anyway, stupidly and by mistake, I accidentally un-rooted my tablet. It restarted and all my apps were gone. I tried to download an app and it told me that I had no space left even though there was nothing on the tablet. So I went to check my memory in the setting and it says: Internal Storage 0.00b. Which is wrong because when I got the device, I had at least 2 gb there. I know it had to do with me un-rooting the device.
I'm just stuck now because I can't download ANYTHING at all and I have no idea what to do. I already tried going back to factory reset but that did nothing, So I was hoping someone, anyone could help me?

I have a Trio Stealth Pro 7. The company site, Mach Speed is no help whatsoever. I can't even get to the device on the website because it just says "page not found" or whatever.

I've read around and noticed that some people had the same 0.00b problem as me and they were told to re-flash their tablets but I know nothing about that and I have very little help with my tablet from the site or from anyone else because it's not a popular tablet.
Also I un-rooted my and I cannot install anything so I don't know what to do now.

I've attached a photo for you to see how it looks.


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