Need help with SD install


May 17, 2011
The size agnostic SD install isn't working for me. I have a 4GB class 4 Sandisk. I can write the generic sd card installer. Then I put the file on the SD. I can boot to it and it boots to the installer script. But then it starts giving a bunch of write errors. I have tried many different versions of CM including the stable version and RC1. I have also tried different versions of the installer img. (1.2, 1.2.1, and 1.3) They all do the same thing. I'm pretty sure the installer starts bombing out before the CM7 install, when it is setting up partitions and formatting them. I have tested the card to make sure I can write to it and fill up all the space. I have tried the nookHoney04.img and that works. I have tried a 2GB image that I found on XDA that was a demo for when bluetooth was first working and that img works. Any suggestions? If not, would somebody be kind enough to make a 4GB img with CM7 RC1 on it since all the IMG files seem to work for me?

Edit: I tried an 8GB Patriot class 4 and that works but I need the card for something else, plus it has a lot of FCs.
Sounds like an issue with the actual card although you have used it for other bootables. But because you got it to work on the Patriot it seems like it can only be the card. A bad sector or something maybe (that would be strange for a flash dirve but who knows). How have you tried reformatting the card? The Nook does a particularly good job if you can boot into stock or rooted. Insert the card, unmount and format. Maybe that will clean it up?
Sounds like an issue with the actual card although you have used it for other bootables. But because you got it to work on the Patriot it seems like it can only be the card. A bad sector or something maybe (that would be strange for a flash dirve but who knows). How have you tried reformatting the card? The Nook does a particularly good job if you can boot into stock or rooted. Insert the card, unmount and format. Maybe that will clean it up?

I tried repartitioning to a FAT32 partition using windows and linux (Partition type 0C). I tried formating the card using windows (full format, not quick), the stock nook, my blackberry, and linux. After comparing the partitions between the 4GB and the working 8GB I saw that the script was partitioning everything correctly. So I finally got it working by imaging the first 3 partitions from the working 8GB using "dd" in Linux, then writing those images to the first 3 partitions on the 4GB. Everything works now. Yay! I wish I knew what the original problem was caused by though so I could feel better about this card. I'm doing this for a friend and don't want her experiences with CM7 to be bad.
Very stange indeed. Sounds like you have a good handle on it though. Compared to the time you have already put into it and given that it is for a friend you want to have a good experience I'd say the cost of a new 4GB is cheap. You can use the questionable card for simple data storage and run the ROM from a card you have confidence in.

Just a thought.