need kindle software for PDN 7 BLK from QVC


Jan 1, 2011
I need to be able to have the kindle for android on my Pandigital 7 black (Red) from QVC.
Is there anyone out there that can help me I managed to find a apk for it but it will not install. Is there anything out there or do i now have a useless paperweight.

oh and is there an android market apk out there anyware?
Why do you need kindle there are alot of other things that do the same thing

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because most of my family and friends have kindles. And i would like to be able to share books back and forth with them.
well in that case i can understand, i have a couple of ideas 1. have you looked for older versions of the kinlde apps, 2. you might have to wait for this Amazon working on new version of Kindle app for Android tablets | Android Central and then three ask feverhost about the kindle app situation because it might just be something simple like you dont have an sdcard installed or something, i would test it out for you but i gave my pandigitals to my family for presents so i dont have any to mess around with but feverhost will probably be able to give it a chance