need suggestion on which model of tablet pc should i buy


Apr 28, 2012
Hi , I am just new member and planning to buy tablet PC either samsung 10.1 inch or acer iconia.I need guidance on which version of android should i go for , i can wait for one more month but initial guidance shall help me.I want to watch movies online and also use VOIP
Hi rajendra, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android tablets. The best place on the forum for "shopping" information and recommendations is the Android Tablet Discussions section. I'm going to move your thread over there for you so folks can discuss your tablet requirements with you and hopefully make some suggestions. Enjoy the forum and good luck finding the right tablet for yourself!
hi, firstly you should ask yourself- what do I want my tablet to do? Then write a list of models you can afford & what their specifications are. Narrow this down to your favourite few & check reviews, posts etc. Then find out what deals you can get on these tablets & where from.
Once you have a select few & have found where to get them, then go buy it. Tablets are getting better & cheaper & the new batch of multi-core processors are just coming out. Ics is still getting sorted out so pick wisely. You may want something that will be easy to update as time goes on so factor this in to your choices. Hopefully some breakthrough models will be released very soon & you may want to wait & see what happens, alternatively, you may think that what is already out there will be more than enough for your needs. It all depends on your choice now so think it through. There are some very good chinese tablets being released now that are as capable as some of the bigger brands at fraction of the cost. They are well worth a look if for no other reason than to see what can be bought for little money. If you do look at chinese tabs. & like what you see, my advice would definitely be buy from a trustworthy seller. There are some scammers out there. I would recommend you look at as one of the more honest sellers. Theybare a supporting vendor on this site & seem to receive good feedback for their honesty, good aftersales support. & good value better quality chinese tablets. You can choose postal options to suit you(eg cost or speed).
Whatever you choose to do I wish you luck but I advise you to give these a look in at least. I myself have a chinese tablet & I'm very happy with it. With new tablets around the corner tho' I'm keeping my eye on all markets. I have a low budget, but a good eye for a bargain & won't dpend more than I have to to get what I want. Good luck.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Ps I prefer 9.7" screen because the 4:3 aspect layout is better for browsing, reading, gaming etc, I presume 16:9 is preferable for video but I don't watch vids so I can't say.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet