Need tips for applying adhesive screen protector


May 24, 2011
I did do searches and didn't find the answers I am looking for.

Here is the product:
HandHelditems: xoom screen protector

It is 3 sheets of plastic, one in the center is the one you actually apply. It has a mildly adhesive backing and you stick it on. Problem I had was it kept getting stuff under it. Specs big enough to cause permanent bubbles. They were good enough to offer free replacements when I couldn't get one of the 3 sent on properly.

Tips? Clues? HowTo video? Use different product? Seems like this would would be fine if I could just get it on.

Jim C.
What tablet do you have? Zagg makes covers for just about everything. I Know they have one for my GTablet.

Sent from my GTablet using Android Tablet Forum
There should be plenty of videos, but for reapplication, you can just use soapwater...